The War for Love.
A war begins in the soul of every person, a war with himself, a war with reality, a war for love. The war begins in ordinary life, on the street, in the store, in the family. This negative energy accumulates and explodes in hot spots around the world. There has never been a time when there was no war on planet earth. The war can end only when we begin to find true love and acceptance for ourselves, for others, for the earth, for God.
Some people think that having received a lot of power and money they will be happy, they think that at this moment they approve of themselves and love, but this is an illusion that crumbles after 2 minutes, love does not come, peace does not come and a person needs even more power and money, he thinks that this time it will work. This is a great lie that we believe in and when we are not enough, we take away someone else's, we cause pain, and the pain multiplies and you need to make a lot of effort to get rid of the pain, learn to be happy and love and not indulge the bottomless black hole of selfishness.
Everyone deserves love by birthright, it does not need to be sought. God always loves us just like that.
Now, when there are no priests and philosophers left in the world, artists are the most important people on earth. G. Richter.
Getting into the space of Evgeniya Maltseva's exhibition, the viewer seems to be in an ancient amphitheater, where a representation of the universal tragedy takes place. We look at this grandiose performance as if through flashes of fire, a curtain of rising smoke and flying ash. This is a mystery where the warming fire of love and the withering flame of madness and hatred converge in an eternal duel. The horror of being, appearing on the stage, surpasses man, rises above him. And the artist desperately sympathizes with the person. The battle for love for her is, in fact, a battle for a person.
Evgeniya Maltseva gives all the strength of her artistic gift to awaken a person from madness, to cure suffering and pain. The frantic manner of writing, the strength and confidence of the line create an energy field in which the viewer can meet with himself. The artist acts both as a priest who prays to the inner light of a person, and as a sibyl entering an ecstatic state. It combines the power of influence and the power of understanding, acceptance.
Evgeniya Maltseva is sure that pain and bitterness, which do not find a way out, can transform into hatred. If a person's heart is filled with anger, his speech becomes like the roar of an angry beast. Nine works of the "Wall of Wrath" series sound like the desperate cry of a multi-headed monster. Abusive words unleash clots of destructive energy. Black letters spread out on the white surface of the canvas, losing their outlines, which means meaning. The indefinite and formless Nothingness grows in the series "After".
The artist is not only a spectator of the unfolding drama, but also an actor of what is happening. The onslaught and power of the artist are combined in her with the vulnerability of a woman who is looking for support and sympathy in a terrible world. Therefore, the fierce yell of the "Wall of Wrath" is opposed by the solemn silence of the "Prayer Iconostasis".
After a sharp cry, you get into silence. The uniform rhythm of repetitive symmetrical compositions introduces a meditative state. In the center of the iconostasis is a self–portrait of Evgeniya Maltseva on a red background. It is surrounded by portraits of cousins, father and husband of Eugenia. The faces of the beloved men are revealed before her inner eye. She turns to them with a prayer for protection.
How the sacrament is perceived, and the scene of intimacy in the painting "He loved her, she rejoiced." Love is the secret of two who dared, having removed the armor from their souls, to appear before each other unarmed, naked. The artist does not show the faces of lovers. All attention is focused on the touch line of their bodies. It is like a connecting thread that connects them into one being. Not only their naked bodies touch, but also their naked souls.
The art of Evgeniya Maltseva gives hope for the possibility of love and meaning in a tragic reality. Each of us secretly dreams of love, aspires to it. Hopes for a meeting with sincerity and warmth. Because only a loving rapprochement allows you to see a person as God intended him to be. Only the warmth of love overcomes inner hatred, anger and senselessness.
The war begins with the struggle for the Beautiful, with a sense of lack of Beauty, with a sense of envy. War wants to take over the Beautiful, but it does not notice how it destroys it. Beauty is what God creates. The beautiful cannot be divided, it can only be multiplied. A beautiful child is born from two beautiful parents. They create their beautiful child through Love.