Maltseva Evgeniya

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Russian Chthon.

More recently, the word "chthonic" was used mainly by culturologists and other specialists dealing with ancient civilizations. This concept, seemingly far from today's life, denotes everything related to the dangerous otherworld and in Russian called evil spirits. But suddenly the word "chthon" appeared in our everyday speech. Judging by how quickly this ironic neologism took root and became common, it marks something that really exists in today's life.

Evgeniya Maltseva undertook to deal with this mysterious substance. Evgeniya believes that the expression "Russian chthon" can determine the state of the soul of a Russian person. Our domestic chthony, perhaps, is far from its ancient Greek prototype – relentless as rock, and unequivocally destructive. Russian chthon, according to the artist, is ambivalent. Similar to the natural elements in its wild indomitable manifestations, it is multifaceted in its own way and is able to turn into its opposite. It cannot be driven into a clear framework of good and evil.

The enduring anguish of a restless spirit easily encourages a person to embark on various kinds of destructive exploits. But the same depressive spirit suddenly turns out to be capable of nobility and almost holiness. On the one hand, there is a craving for chaos, on the other – the ability to sacrifice oneself and the eternal search for an idea for which death is not terrible. Chthon has long become a kind of corporate identity of Russian reality, paradoxically acquiring romantic features in literature and in the minds of its bearers. Russian chthon lives in a collective worldview and does not lose relevance, although, of course, it is scary to look into the abyss.

Maria Filatova, art critic, Moscow, 2022.


In the project “Politicoes”, the life of a modern person is viewed through the prism of the spiritual malaise in which humankind has been and is at all times, but unlike Bosch, who devoted his art to this topic, Evgeniya does not illustrate sins, but embodies this spiritual and energetic essence through expressive image of flesh.

At the center of the project is the eponymous picture of “Politicoes” - an image that reveals the quintessence of spiritual illness, which is in every person in varying degrees of its manifestation. The author does not take the position of a judge, but rather treats this phenomenon with sympathy and compassion, ironically including in one of the portraits the features of his face.

"Politicoes" displays a spiritual malady based on fear. These are faceless automata trying to flannelindiscriminately and applying all their strength to “look” rather than “being”. They manipulate, lie, revenge, dodge, accuse, dissolve a lot of rumors and gossip. They are hot-tempered and malicious, cowardly and overbearing, often speaking in public, ultimately speaking absurd and losing connection with reality. They do not accept a different point of view, selfishly “go over heads” in pursuit of profit and applause, hate everything creative, do not want to work and create, but only want to get everything for free, shifting personal responsibility to others. They will do everything to incinerate your self-esteem. This ailment drives a person into a corner of suffering, from which one cannot get out without spiritual help.

It is necessary to distinguish between politicians and politicians. Unlike Politicoes, Politicians are true leaders. Today, more than ever, we need true leaders, leading by example, taking full responsibility for their actions, creating the world around them.

Evgeniya Maltseva.

"Red Right Hand".

«Red Right Hand». The origin of the name “Red Right Hand” is described in the booklet for the album «Murder Ballads», which states that the phrase “Red Right Hand” is borrowed from John Milton's poem “Lost Paradise” and is an allusion to God's punishing hand. This picture is about prejudices about God. These frightening stories take their roots from family and society: we are all brought up in the concept of "do not be yourself, but God will punish.". From childhood, fear is formed in us, which eats into our bones, organs and meat, we grow up and live with unconscious fear that God is punishing. We do not accept ourselves, constantly telling other people how to live, we criticize and control them. We do not want to look at ourselves, our shortcomings, and take responsibility for our own lives. We blame others for our misfortunes or life situations. The reason for this is that people do not see themselves as the beloved children of the Creator and do not believe that God is “loving” and takes care of them. We have broken the connection with the true source of power and love. Only some spiritually awakened people have this contact. According to the author, now there is a crisis of faith, a spiritual crisis and we urgently need to get out of it, otherwise we will kill ourselves.

As the artist says: “I painted this picture according to a completely new principle: rejection of the general idea, meaning, thinking through the composition. I wrote as the hand leads. It was as if the picture itself was created with my participation, and I had only to be a conductor of the infinite information energy field of the Universe, and the meaning was created by itself. ”

— Evgeniya Maltseva.

"Shadows of the future".

This work is about the bifurcation of the human person, one is an ancient idol, responsible for the unconscious reactions and deep feelings that connect us with our ancestors, the second living anxious spirit. They are in a timeless abstract space that I use in all my work.

Evgeniya Maltseva.
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